About Good Eatin'

Online Trading Card Games are similar to collectible trading card games that have been around for many years, for many different topics. Rather than playing in person and collecting cards from packs at the store, you collect everything online. The goal is to complete various decks with the goal of 'mastering' them and earning a badge to show your completion record.
Online TCGs are free to play, and have been around for almost twenty years!
Unlike keeping a folder of cards, you will need an online trade post to store your cards, accept trades and show off all your badges. You should also keep a detailed log of how you received cards, whether thats as trades, game rewards, or new deck releases.
Your logs should include the date, what you received (in the format card01, card02) and from where.

Regular cards, Special cards, Event Cards & Membercards

There are four card types at Good Eatin' - Regular, Special, Event and Membercards.


Mastering a deck means to complete it; you've collected all 25 cards, turned them in, and received your mastery badge! You are free to remaster decks later down the line if you'd like to.
Mastery Rewards
Regular Decks 2 choice, 3 random, 1 cookie
Special Decks 5 choice, 10 random, 3 cookies

Leveling Up

Leveling up is based on the amount of cards you have - not their worth! For the sake of leveling, make sure to count Special Cards as one card.
Level Cards Difference Rewards
Dishwasher ( Level 1 ) 0 Starting point!-----
Fast food cook ( Level 2 ) 350 3502 choice, 5 random, 2 cookies
Prep cook ( Level 3 ) 700 3502 choice, 5 random, 2 cookies
Short-order cook ( Level 4 ) 1000 3002 choice, 5 random, 2 cookies
Line cook ( Level 5 ) 1300 3002 choice, 10 random, 1 biscuit, 3 cookies
Pastry chef ( Level 6 ) 1600 3002 choice, 10 random, 1 biscuit, 3 cookies
Bartender ( Level 7 ) 1900 3002 choice, 10 random, 1 biscuit, 3 cookies
Sommelier ( Level 8 ) 2200 3003 choice, 15 random, 2 biscuits, 5 cookies
Sous chef ( Level 9 ) 2500 3003 choice, 15 random, 2 biscuits, 5 cookies
Executive chef ( Level 10 ) 3000 5003 choice, 15 random, 2 biscuits, 5 cookies

Trading Rewards

You can earn 5 Random Cards & 2 Cookies per 30 trades you've completed with other members.

Currency and Shoppe

You can buy booster packs of cards for our site currency, Cookies and our rarer currency, Biscuits. Cookies are primarily used to buy regular cards, and Biscuits are for special cards. You can earn Cookies and Biscuits through leveling up, mastering decks, some game rewards, and occasionally through updates and wishes!