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So there has been a hell of a delay, and you might have noticed a bit less of a... Macabre feel. The long and short of it is, my wife moved in, we got married, battled some Visa stuff and I'm only just now refinding my feet. And with that comes the acceptance that finding horror caps and things the way I wanted them to be just wasn't happening as easily as I hoped it would.

But you know what does exist still? Food. I love food. So a food eTCG sounds right up the alley.

We have a new card template (you can check out the sample deck here) and the site is almost redone up in prettiness, with a focus on muted pastels and cream. The webaddress should hopefully be changing soon, but if not, then I guess this will be the scariest food eTCG there ever was.

Still, a mini to-do list;Decks to do;