Prejoin Open!
Posted on March 03, 2025

Members: AggieDoesArt — Welcome to the TCG!
Affiliates: Check out our neighbors!
Games: Weekly, Monthly

Welcome to Good Eatin, an eTCG focusing on Food!

After what feels like forever, a total retool and a mad-dash to get some decks out on what was a very close self-imposed deadline, Good Eatin' is now open for prejoin! I hope to have this period last about two weeks, but this is subject to change. There's still some kinks to be worked out, and I'm still poking around in the backend of the site to see what works and what doesn't (some Games, for example), but we are tentatively functional and that will do for now.

Rewards for the games are currently subject to change and rebalancing, so please leave comments/feedback regarding this, as its open to being tweaked! At the moment, only Weekly Games and Monthly Games are active, to make it easier to monitor and fix anything going on.

The other snag is that auto-upload with eTCG is also not working (unclear if this is an issue via our hosts host) but this is being looked into.

During this period, please feel free to claim the below event card as part of your prejoin welcome.

Prejoin: ec-prejoin2025

Still on the To-Do list;

New Releases

Click here for your deck release pulls.

6 Comments to Prejoin Open!

  • Deck Release (2025-03-03): chai03, chai04, icedcoffee01, icedcoffee02, icedtea01, icedtea02, matcha01, matcha04, tea02, tea03

  • Deck Release (2025-03-03): dumplings07, dumplings20, barbeque12, sp-celebrationcakes03, burgers05, eggs02, milkshakes03, burgers10, eggs09, milkshakes15

    Event Achievement: ec-032025

    Prejoin: ec-prejoin2025

  • Bug Report: "For deck-matching filler and pending cards, click here!"

    This link does not work - I get a 404 error

    The master card for the honey, lemons, cherrypies decks don't have the -master in the name. They say honey.png instead of honey-master.png as an example.

    Additional to Aggie's bug report: Also playing on Google Chrome. Memory game did not allow false matches for my first pick, but I got the stay flipped thing about five pairs in. I think it might be that a couple of pairs are wrongly set as matched?

    - Deck Release (2025-03-03): guacamole02, guacamole04, chai06, chai08, icedtea03, icedtea19, matcha06, dates11, dates19, matcha12

  • Bug Report: Playing on Google Chrome. Memory game appears to allow false matches for the first pick (meaning the first two cards flipped will stay flipped, regardless of whether or not they actually match).

    Prejoin: ec-prejoin2025
    Event: ec-032025
    Deck Release (2025-03-03): dumplings01, dumplings02, burgers01, burgers02, icedcoffee01, icedcoffee02, honey01, honey02, pretzels01, pretzels02
    Donator Pull: barbeque14, bluecheese11, burgers03, chai09, dumplings03, guacamole16, icedcoffee03, icedtea18, matcha02, milkshakes09, roastduck19, swisscheese20, tea04, water07
    Maker Pull: barbeque25, bluecheese25, burgers04, chai23, dumplings04, guacamole12, icedcoffee04, icedtea01, matcha21, milkshakes22, roastduck20, swisscheese02, tea11, water11

  • Bug Reports: I also got at least one false match in Memory game. Also Melting Pot doesn't have any guidelines in it for its rules / limits, though I didn't even notice it in my excitement before I had already taken one card from there. ( but i went with the usual(???) take a card and give something from a deck, that's not in the pile yet)

    Prejoin: ec-prejoin2025

    Event Achievement: ec-032025

    Deck Release (2025-03-03): milkshakes04, milkshakes10, icedcoffee03, icedcoffee22, raspberries03, raspberries04, icedtea06, burgers01, water01, water05

  • Event Achievement: ec-032025
    Prejoin: ec-prejoin2025

    Deck Release (2025-03-03): raspberries25, dumplings24, barbeque23, burgers22, matcha21, limes20, grapes19, guacamole18, icedtea17, lemons16

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